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Expeditious Synthesis of a Glycopeptide Library
Follow this link to read the full article:
Smellodi in „Deutsches Ärzteblatt“
Article about smellodi in „Deutsches Ärzteblatt“. Read here:
smellodi in „Oiger“ blog
A nice text about smellodi’s aims and potential future visions can be found at the blog of Heiko Weckbrodt. Read here for more .
Project officially started!
On the 11th April, with a virtual kick-off meeting, smellodi has officially started. The goal of our seven participating partner institutes from Germany, Israel and Finland is to develop intelligent electronic sensors […]
Job Offer: Two Research Associates at TU Dresden
We are looking for
two Research Associates (PhD or PostDoc)
in the field of computational materials science to be filled at the earliest possible date. They are planned for a period of 3 years (an extension is […]
Background: Smart electronic olfaction for body odor diagnostics
While almost everyone nowadays has a smartphone that can recognize faces and objects in pictures taken by the in-built camera, responds to our voice input, and interprets touch, by far no such […]